Forward Thinking

A pro tip I learned from years as a leader:

Always think forward, never backwards. 

I used to leave myself voice mail messages of thoughts and ideas until one day I realized that the voice I would listen to is not me. That was past me. A me that no longer exists. By the time I listened to "my" messages they were old, stale, and frankly, garbage. I was not forward thinking, I was holding onto the past. 

So what do I do now? I act. I activate. 

I am focused on the future. But the future is unattainable as it is constantly ahead of us. Even as I type this message my present self is becoming my past self. I no longer believe the first 70 words of this post. 

My motto, and it should be yours too: Never always trust who you are in the moment unless that moment is the future; acting in the present is too late, and the past is now behind you. Always constantly be moving forward ahead of your present self refusing to move backwards. 

See you on the field.


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